
I’ve got a story from my distant past that’ll blow your socks off and have you rethinking everything you thought you knew about mindset and creativity. Picture this: a dimly lit, smoke-filled jazz club, the kind where legends are made, and I’m there, jamming with a jazz master and my mentor whose fingers danced on the saxophone like it was an extension of his soul. The vibe? Electric. The music? Transcendent.

But between the hypnotic melodies and the rhythmic beats, this jazz legend dropped a truth bomb on me that I wasn’t prepared for. “Kid,” he said, leaning in, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint, “thoughts, they’re just concepts in your brain. They don’t have emotion, no inherent meaning. You, my friend, are the author. You give them meaning.” Mind. Blown. Who would’ve thought that amidst the improvisation and the soulful tunes, I’d stumble upon a lesson in creativity and mindset that’d stick with me forever?

Now, let’s cut to the chase. We’re here to master the art of interpreting thoughts, to become the conductors of our mental symphonies, and let me tell you, it’s gonna be a game-changer. We’re not just enhancing creativity and problem-solving; we’re talking about unleashing a level of innovation that makes you the freaking Picasso of your field. And, who doesn’t want that?

Here’s the kicker, the big revelation: you can become the author of your thoughts. Yeah, you heard me right. Those thoughts running wild in your head like untamed horses, you can rein them in, give them direction, and create something truly extraordinary.

We live in a world filled with noise, where everyone’s trying to fit into a mold, sticking to the script, playing it safe. But not us. We’re the rule-breakers, the mold-shatterers, the ones who dare to think differently, to challenge the status quo, and to create our own narrative. So, are you ready to ride the wave, to sift through the dirt and find the gold? Are you ready to unleash the power of your thoughts and let your creativity run wild?

I’m going to share with you some nuggets of wisdom, strategies if you will, that I learned from this legendary jazz musician and through my own journey of starting companies, growing them, and yes, even selling them. We’re diving deep, uncovering the misconceptions, and cutting through the crap to get to the real stuff – the stuff that’ll make a difference, the stuff that’ll set you apart.

This is for the go-getters, the dreamers, the doers, the ones who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and their minds challenged. So, buckle up, my friends, because we’re about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative mastery that’ll leave you wondering why you didn’t hop on this train sooner.

Ride the Wave

Thoughts are like waves in the vast ocean of our minds, each with its own rhythm, speed, and impact. Some are gentle ripples, others are monstrous tsunamis threatening to engulf everything in their path. It’s a spectrum, and understanding this spectrum is key to mastering our mindset and unlocking our creative potential.

Imagine trying to hold onto a wave. Sounds ridiculous, right? That’s because it is! Holding onto unhelpful thoughts is just as futile. They’ll pull you under, mess with your mojo, and leave you floundering. Instead, we’ve got to learn to ride the wave, to go with the flow, to adapt and improvise. It’s not just about survival; it’s about thriving and seeing the big picture from a vantage point most people never get to see.

Now, you might be wondering, “How the heck do I ride a thought wave?” Well, my friend, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. It’s about letting go of the need to control, to categorize, to label every thought that passes through our minds. It’s about embracing the uncertainty, the unpredictability, the beautiful chaos that is the creative process. When we ride the wave, we’re not passive observers; we’re active participants, shaping, molding, and directing our thoughts in a way that serves us.

So, what happens when we stop fighting the current and start enjoying the view? Magic. Pure, unadulterated magic. We see possibilities where others see obstacles. We see connections where others see randomness. We see potential where others see limitations. It’s a shift in perspective that opens up a whole new world of creative opportunities and solutions.

But beware, riding the wave isn’t a one-time deal. It’s a continuous journey of self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-growth. It requires practice, patience, and a pinch of audacity. It’s about challenging our preconceived notions, breaking down the barriers we’ve built around our minds, and daring to think differently, to think bigger.

Let’s debunk a common misconception here: Riding the wave doesn’t mean being reckless or impulsive. It’s not about throwing caution to the wind and hoping for the best. It’s about calculated risk, informed decision-making, and strategic thinking. It’s about finding the balance between intuition and logic, between emotion and reason, between freedom and structure.

In a nutshell, riding the wave is about embracing the full spectrum of our thoughts, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and using them as a catalyst for creativity and innovation. It’s about turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, the mundane into the magnificent, the impossible into the possible.

Remember, every wave is an opportunity, a chance to learn, to grow, to create something amazing. So, don’t just stand there on the shore, watching the waves roll by. Dive in, ride the wave, and see where it takes you. The view from the crest is something you won’t want to miss.

Swap Your Perspective

Alright, my friends, next up we’re diving into the mind-bending world of swapping perspectives. This isn’t some hokey, self-help gimmick; this is about pushing the boundaries of how we think, how we solve problems, and how we innovate.

Ever found yourself stuck in a rut, grappling with a problem that feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded? We’ve all been there. But here’s a wild idea: What if you stepped out of your shoes and looked at the situation from an outsider’s perspective? Mind-blowing, right?

Swapping your perspective is like being a director in your own blockbuster movie. You get to yell “Cut!” when the scene isn’t working and reshape it. You step back, survey the landscape, and ask yourself, “What advice would I give someone in this pickle?” It’s about detaching yourself from the emotional whirlwind and seeing the situation with fresh, unbiased eyes.

But why bother, you ask? Well, shifting your viewpoint shakes things up! It unclogs the mental pipes and lets the creative juices flow. It helps you to distance the circumstance from your emotions, uncovering solutions that were hiding in plain sight. It’s like flipping a switch, illuminating shadows and revealing paths you didn’t know existed.

And here’s the kicker: Swapping perspectives isn’t just about tackling your own problems. It’s about understanding others, about developing empathy, about becoming a better communicator, leader, and team player. It’s about seeing the world in Technicolor when everyone else is stuck in black and white.

Now, this might sound like a tall order, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. Start by asking yourself the right questions. Challenge your assumptions, play devil’s advocate, and explore the what-ifs. Evaluate the advice you’d give to others in similar situations and ask yourself why it applies to them and not to you.

Let’s be real, we’re all guilty of giving top-notch advice to others and failing to follow it ourselves. It’s time to break that cycle, to walk the talk, to practice what we preach. It’s time to be our own best advisors, to trust our instincts, to believe in our ability to overcome, to adapt, to thrive.

Look, we live in a world that’s constantly changing, constantly evolving, constantly throwing curveballs our way. We can either let it overwhelm us, let it dictate our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, or we can rise above it. We can swap our perspective, see the challenges as opportunities, the setbacks as stepping stones, the failures as lessons learned.

Swapping your perspective is a game-changer. It’s a tool, a weapon, a secret ingredient that can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s about thinking outside the box, about pushing the boundaries, about challenging the status quo. It’s about being a trailblazer, a trendsetter, a pioneer.

So, don’t be afraid to swap your perspective, to see the world through a different lens, to explore the road less traveled. You never know what treasures you might discover along the way.

Put on Your Detective Hat

Now, let’s dive into something utterly fascinating, my brilliant friends. Ever thought of yourself as Sherlock Holmes? No? Well, it’s high time to put on your detective hat and start unraveling the mysteries of your own thoughts and emotions. Ready to play detective? Let’s dive in!

In the fast-paced, chaotic whirlwind of life and creativity, distinguishing facts from feelings is paramount. Our emotions, as vibrant and overwhelming as they can be, have a sneaky way of coloring our reality. They’re like those Instagram filters, making a mountain out of a molehill, casting shadows where there’s light. It’s seductive but oh-so-misleading!

Here’s where your inner detective comes into play. It’s about sifting through the emotional noise, about separating the wheat from the chaff. You gotta ask yourself, “What are the facts about the situation, and what are my feelings?” It’s about peeling back the layers, uncovering the truth, and seeing the situation for what it truly is – no embellishments, no distortions.

Why go through all this trouble? Simple. Emotions can easily distract from reality. They’re the smoke and mirrors in your personal magic show, obscuring the real deal. By keeping a keen eye on the supporting evidence, you get to crack your case and move on to life’s next mystery with clarity and confidence.

Embracing an investigative approach to situations is not about dismissing emotions – far from it! It’s about understanding them, acknowledging them, and then looking beyond them. It’s about seeing the whole picture, the broader context, the underlying patterns. It’s about being curious, asking questions, and seeking answers.

Unraveling life’s mysteries is exhilarating! It’s like being on a perpetual treasure hunt, discovering hidden gems in the most unexpected places. And when you solve one mystery, guess what? Another one pops up! It’s a never-ending journey of exploration, learning, and growth.

The beauty of playing detective is that it empowers you. It gives you control. It allows you to move forward with clarity and purpose. It transforms you into a more insightful, more resilient, more adaptable individual. It makes you a force to be reckoned with in the world of creativity and leadership.

So, future trailblazers, it’s time to embrace your inner detective. It’s time to challenge assumptions, to seek the truth, to uncover the hidden gems within your thoughts and emotions. It’s time to be bold, to be curious, to be relentless in your pursuit of clarity and understanding.

Remember, every mystery solved is a step forward, a leap towards becoming the best version of yourself. It’s about unlocking your potential, about unleashing your creativity, about paving the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Are you ready to don your detective hat and step into the next thrilling adventure of self-discovery and growth?

Hold Your Horses

Alright, let’s slow it down a notch – literally. We’re talking about holding your horses, reigning in those wild, impulsive decisions that could send you careening off the cliff of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. I know, I know, it’s easier said than done, especially when the adrenaline is pumping, and the creative juices are flowing. But bear with me here.

Impulsivity is like a wild stallion – thrilling, unpredictable, but, dang, can it get you into some tight spots! Those wild emotions, that unchecked enthusiasm can blur your vision, distort your judgement, and have you jumping to conclusions faster than a cat on a hot tin roof. It’s a rollercoaster, it’s a rush, but, oh, can it be a crash!

So, what’s a creative genius in the making to do? Simple. Slow down. Take a breath. Consider all your options before making a decision. It’s about hitting the pause button, about giving yourself the time and space to think, reflect, and choose wisely. It’s about harnessing that energy, that passion, and channeling it into thoughtful, informed decisions.

Slowing down doesn’t mean you lose your edge. No way, José! It means you sharpen it. It means you refine your focus, enhance your clarity, and make decisions that are aligned with your goals, values, and vision. It’s about being deliberate, intentional, and strategic. It’s about playing the long game, about building a legacy of creativity, innovation, and success.

The techniques for slowing down are as varied as your creative palette. It could be meditation, mindfulness, or simply taking a walk in the park. It could be journaling, talking to a mentor, or bouncing ideas off a trusted friend. It’s about finding what works for you, about developing your own rhythm, your own pace, your own unique way of holding your horses.

Remember, every decision is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life. Every choice is a note in the symphony of your journey. It’s about creating a masterpiece, a magnum opus that reflects your essence, your spirit, your undeniable mark on the world. So, make it count. Make it resonate. Make it undeniably, unapologetically you.

The beauty of holding your horses is that it gives you power. It gives you control. It allows you to navigate the twists and turns of life with grace, wisdom, and finesse. It transforms you into a more grounded, more centered, more enlightened being. It makes you a beacon of light in the vast, infinite universe of creativity and entrepreneurship.

So, are you ready to take the reins, to slow down, to make decisions that are thoughtful, informed, and inspired? Are you ready to create a legacy of brilliance, of excellence, of undeniable impact?

Sift Through the Dirt to Find the Gold

We’re about to get our hands dirty and talk about sifting through the metaphorical muck and mire to uncover those hidden gems of opportunity and insight. It’s a messy job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it – and who better than the daring, boundary-pushing creatives and entrepreneurs like yourselves?

The world can often feel like a minefield of negativity and unhelpful thoughts. These naysaying voices, both internal and external, can cloud your vision and obscure the path to success. But here’s the kicker – beneath all that dirt and grime lie nuggets of gold, waiting to be discovered by those willing to put in the work.

Challenges and setbacks? They’re a dime a dozen. But the ability to look beyond the immediate obstacles, to see the potential for growth and innovation – now, that’s priceless. It’s about challenging the status quo, questioning your assumptions, and daring to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, how do you go about finding the gold? It starts with a mindset shift. It begins with the belief that every situation, no matter how grim or discouraging, holds the potential for learning and growth. It’s about adopting a lens of curiosity and openness, about being willing to dig deeper, to explore the uncharted territories of your mind and the world around you.

Strategies for finding the gold are as diverse as the treasures themselves. It could involve reframing your perspective, seeking alternative viewpoints, or finding the silver lining in a seemingly bleak situation. It might mean embracing failure as a stepping stone to success, or viewing criticism as a catalyst for improvement. The key is to be adaptable, resilient, and relentless in your pursuit of the extraordinary.

Remember, it’s not about ignoring or denying the dirt – it’s about recognizing it for what it is and using it as a backdrop to highlight the gold. It’s about turning obstacles into stepping stones, challenges into opportunities, and setbacks into comebacks. It’s about embracing the journey, the highs and the lows, the triumphs and the trials, with an unwavering belief in your ability to succeed.

The thrill of discovery, the joy of unearthing a hidden gem – it’s an exhilarating feeling that fuels your passion and drives your ambition. It’s a reminder of the boundless possibilities that lie within and around you, a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome, innovate, and thrive.

As you continue on your journey, keep your eyes open, your mind sharp, and your spirit resilient. Be ready to sift through the dirt, to uncover the gold that lies beneath. And who knows – the treasures you find may just redefine the landscape of creativity and entrepreneurship, leaving an indelible mark on the world. Keep digging, keep dreaming, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Reframing: A Game-Changer

Everything we’ve discussed so far, tt’s all the art of Reframing. It’s about flipping the script, changing the narrative, and turning the tables – yes, you guessed it, it’s all about reframing! This technique is your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, your golden ticket to transforming situations and unlocking your full creative potential.

Reframing isn’t just about changing your point of view; it’s about altering your entire perspective on a situation. It’s like putting on a new pair of glasses and suddenly seeing the world in a different light. You might discover that the seemingly insurmountable mountain you’re facing is just a small hill, or that the dark cloud hanging over your head has a silver lining.

What makes reframing such a powerhouse? It’s the ability to challenge and alter your initial thoughts and interpretations. It’s about questioning the status quo, breaking free from limiting beliefs, and discovering new viewpoints that empower and inspire. By shifting your mindset, you can transform negativity into positivity, obstacles into opportunities, and challenges into stepping stones to success.

How does one master the art of reframing? It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. It begins with awareness – recognizing your thought patterns, identifying your limiting beliefs, and understanding your cognitive biases. It involves questioning your assumptions, challenging your perceptions, and exploring alternative viewpoints. It requires a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, to embrace uncertainty, and to see the world with fresh, curious eyes.

But let’s not kid ourselves – reframing isn’t a walk in the park. It requires effort, persistence, and a healthy dose of courage. It’s about facing your fears, confronting your demons, and pushing through your boundaries. It’s about being honest with yourself, taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and making a conscious choice to see the world differently.

Yet, the rewards of reframing are immense. It can unlock new possibilities, unleash your creativity, and empower you to achieve your dreams. It’s a catalyst for growth, a driver of innovation, and a foundation for lasting success. By changing the way you see the world, you can change the world itself.

As you venture forth into the realm of the unknown, armed with the power of reframing, remember this – the journey may be challenging, but the destination is worth every step. Embrace the adventure, savor the journey, and revel in the discoveries that await. The world is your oyster, and the pearls of wisdom are yours for the taking.

So, go ahead, flip the script, change the narrative, and turn the tables. Reframe your thoughts, redefine your reality, and reshape your destiny. The power is in your hands, the possibilities are endless, and the future is yours to create. Be bold, be brave, and be the game-changer the world needs. Your creativity knows no bounds, and your potential is limitless.


We’ve traversed the labyrinth of our minds, ridden waves, donned detective hats, and sifted through proverbial dirt. A crescendo of creativity and a symphony of self-discovery, all culminating in the art of reframing our thoughts and unleashing the boundless potential within.

The strategies we’ve delved into are not mere whimsical musings. They are tried and tested, the golden nuggets of wisdom passed down from a jazz legend who knew a thing or two about improvisation and thinking on his feet. By riding the waves of our thoughts, we learn to navigate the tumultuous seas of our minds, to see the bigger picture, and to avoid getting dragged under by the currents of negativity.

Swapping perspectives, on the other hand, is like switching the lenses through which we view the world. It helps distance our circumstances from emotions, allowing us to find optimal solutions. It’s like being the artist and the critic, creating masterpieces while also stepping back to appreciate and evaluate them.

Donning our detective hats, we distinguish facts from feelings, clearing the fog that emotions often cast on our realities. This investigative approach helps us move forward with clarity, solving life’s mysteries one piece of evidence at a time. Hold your horses – that’s right! It’s about slowing down, considering all options, and making thoughtful decisions. We’re not in a race against time; sometimes, the tortoise does beat the hare.

And ah, the adventure of sifting through the dirt to find gold! It’s about challenging the negative, looking beyond, and discovering the light at the end of the tunnel. Every challenge, every obstacle, is but a stepping stone towards uncovering the golden opportunities that lie in wait.

Reframing! It’s the game-changer, the paradigm shifter, the ultimate tool in our arsenal. By altering our perspectives, by challenging our initial thoughts, we discover new viewpoints and transform our realities. It’s not just about seeing the glass half full; it’s about realizing you have a glass in the first place!

In wrapping up this symphony of thoughts, let’s not just be passive readers. Let’s be the authors, the composers, the maestros of our minds. The strategies are the notes, but the music – oh, the music is all ours to create! It’s about transformation, about unleashing the creative power within, about writing our narratives and painting our masterpieces.

About the Author: Geoffrey Byers
Geoffrey is one of the world's foremost Designers. He is also a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Mad Scientist. Hypothesis-Driven experimentation is his love language.