
Let me paint a picture for you from my early wild startup days. Picture this: vaping vitamins. Yeah, you heard that right. While everyone was betting on the next tech breakthrough, I was in my lab (read: small, cramped garage) conjuring up Vitamin B12 concoctions that could be inhaled. My friends thought I had lost my marbles, my family started discussing therapy options, and I swear, even my partner’s dogs gave us the side-eye. But you know what? I had the last laugh.

You see, we weren’t making these vitamin vapes for the typical crowd. No, sir. I was targeting the opposite, the health enthusiasts, the folks who wanted to puff the night away and actually feel healthy. And boy, did it work. We sold those vapes faster than hotcakes at a county fair.

This little adventure taught me something invaluable: opinions are like belly buttons – everyone’s got one, but they aren’t all worth your attention. If they aren’t your audience, their thoughts on your work are as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Now, this isn’t to say that feedback isn’t important. It is. But not all feedback is created equal. And that, my dear reader, is the golden nugget of wisdom we’re unpacking today. Whether you’re a designer, a writer, an entrepreneur, or someone just trying to make a dent in the universe, you’re going to come face-to-face with a barrage of opinions. Learning to sift through them, to find the ones worth listening to, is an art form. And lucky for you, I’m here to share the secret sauce.

So, what’s the big deal about opinions, anyway? Well, opinions can make or break a project. They can give you new perspectives, help you dodge bullets, and propel you to heights you never imagined. But they can also bog you down, cloud your judgment, and make you question your sanity. And that’s why learning which opinions to take to heart and which to graciously ignore is crucial.

In the coming sections, we’re going to delve into why most opinions about your work don’t matter, how to focus on what actually matters, and how to stay true to your vision, even when the peanut gallery is in full swing. We’re going to learn from the giants, like McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Nike, and understand why they don’t lose sleep over certain opinions. And by the end of this wild ride, my goal is for you to have a clearer understanding of whose opinions matter, how to seek them out, and how to keep marching to the beat of your own drum, no matter what the crowd is shouting.

So, grab your metaphorical machete; we’re cutting through the bullshit and navigating through the noise of unimportant opinions.

Title: Navigating Through the Noise of Unimportant Opinions

Why Most Opinions Don’t Matter

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat – not every piece of feedback you get is worth its weight in gold. In fact, a lot of it is just noise, and learning to tune it out is a skill you’d do well to master. So, why exactly do most opinions not matter? Let’s break it down.

Picture this: McDonald’s, the giant of fast food, flipping burgers and frying fries. Now, imagine they start getting reviews from vegans criticizing their beef patties. Do you think McDonald’s loses any sleep over it? Hell no. Because, at the end of the day, a vegan’s opinion on a beef burger is as relevant as a fish’s opinion on a bicycle. They are simply not the target audience.

And it’s the same for you. Not everyone is going to get your work. Not everyone is your target audience. And that’s perfectly fine. The key is to recognize this and not get bogged down by opinions that are as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Take Coca-Cola, for example. They’ve been around for over a century, and they’ve got their recipe down to a fine art. Do you think they’re up at night worrying about what someone who doesn’t drink soda thinks of their classic Coke? Not a chance. They know their market, they know their audience, and they stick to it. And that’s what you need to do.

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of opinions, to feel like you need to please everyone. But here’s a little nugget of truth: trying to please everyone is the quickest way to please no one. You can’t be all things to all people, and you shouldn’t try to be.

Let’s take Nike as another example. They make shoes for athletes, for people who are on their feet and on the move. Do you think they’re concerned about what a couch potato thinks of their running shoes? Not even a little bit. Because that couch potato? Not their audience.

The same applies to you. You need to find your audience, understand them, cater to them, and ignore the rest. It’s not about being arrogant or dismissive. It’s about being strategic and focused.

You’re not here to create for the masses. You’re here to create for your people. The ones who get it, the ones who need it, the ones who will appreciate it. And once you understand that, once you truly get that, everything else becomes background noise.

So, stop trying to chase validation from every direction. Stop trying to win over the naysayers and the critics who were never going to be on board in the first place. Focus on your craft, focus on your audience, and let the rest fade away into irrelevance.

Because at the end of the day, the only opinions that matter are the ones that help you move forward, the ones that push you to be better, and the ones that come from the people you’re actually creating for. Everything else is just noise.

The Real Deal: Your Target Market

Alright, now that we’ve established why most opinions about your work are as useful as a chocolate teapot, let’s talk about the people who actually matter – your target market. These are the folks who get your blood pumping and your creative juices flowing. These are your people.

When it comes to creating – whether it’s designing, writing, or any other form of art – your focus should be as sharp as a tack on solving real problems for real people. It’s about understanding what keeps them up at night, what makes them tick, and what they’re actually looking for.

Now, let’s not get it twisted. I’m not saying you should become a mindless drone, churning out whatever your audience wants without a second thought. Hell no. You’re an artist, a creator, and you’ve got your own unique flair to bring to the table. But, and it’s a big but, you’ve got to strike that sweet spot between your creative genius and what your audience is craving.

Think about it this way. If you’re whipping up a feast and you’ve got a guest that’s allergic to peanuts, you’re not going to chuck a bunch of peanuts into the dish and tell them to deal with it, right? No, you’re going to tailor that meal to suit their needs while still making it your own culinary masterpiece.

It’s the same with your work. Tune into your target market, understand their needs, and cater to them. But, do it in a way that still lets your unique light shine through. It’s not about selling out or watering down your creativity. It’s about finding that sweet spot where your creativity meets their needs.

Now, here’s the kicker. You’ve got to learn to ignore the noise, to filter out the useless feedback and focus on what actually matters. Not every piece of criticism is worth your time, and not every suggestion needs to be taken to heart.

Learn to distinguish between constructive criticism and plain old noise. If the feedback is coming from your target market, from the people you’re actually creating for, then hell yeah, take it on board, chew on it, and see if it makes sense to incorporate it into your work.

But, if it’s coming from left field, from people who don’t get what you’re about or who aren’t your intended audience, then feel free to toss it into the ‘thanks, but no thanks’ pile and move on.

Staying true to your vision while catering to your target market is a delicate dance, but it’s a dance that’s worth learning. Because when you get it right, when you find that sweet spot, it’s like magic. Your work resonates, it strikes a chord, and it finds a home with the people who were always meant to find it.

So, don’t get distracted by the naysayers and the critics who don’t get it. Focus on your people, focus on your craft, and let the magic happen.


We’ve talked about the haters, the naysayers, and why their opinions are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to your creative journey. We’ve also dived deep into the heart of what really matters – your target market, those glorious souls who get what you’re about and are ready to ride or die with your brand.

Now, let’s take a moment to recap, shall we? Opinions are like smartphones – everyone’s got one, but not all of them are worth paying attention to. Remember, McDonald’s doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what a vegan thinks of their Big Mac, Coca-Cola isn’t sweating about the soda haters, and Nike isn’t losing sleep over the couch potatoes who aren’t vibing with their marathon running shoes.

Why? Because they know their audience. They’ve got their eyes on the prize, and they’re not about to get sidetracked by opinions that don’t move the needle forward.

You’ve got to adopt that same laser focus. Know who you’re creating for, understand their needs, and let the rest fall by the wayside. It’s not about being arrogant or dismissive; it’s about being strategic and intentional with where you direct your attention and energy.

Now, I can hear some of you saying, “But Geoffrey, what if I miss out on some valuable feedback by ignoring these opinions?” And to that, I say, there’s a world of difference between constructive criticism and plain old noise. Learn to tell the difference. Embrace the feedback that helps you grow and politely decline the rest.

And remember, staying true to your vision doesn’t mean you’ve got to have your head in the clouds, oblivious to the world around you. It means having the confidence and the clarity to stay the course, even when the peanut gallery is in full swing.

So, the next time you find yourself drowning in a sea of opinions, take a step back and ask yourself – are these opinions coming from my target market? Are they coming from people who get what I’m about and are invested in my success? If the answer is no, then it’s time to chuck those opinions in the ‘who gives a damn’ pile and move on.

So go out there, create with purpose, and let the rest take care of itself. After all, you’ve got better things to do than worry about what irrelevant people think.

About the Author: Geoffrey Byers
Geoffrey is one of the world's foremost Designers. He is also a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Mad Scientist. Hypothesis-Driven experimentation is his love language.