
Look, the corporate jungle isn’t for the faint of heart. I recall a time, back when the internet was, let’s just say, not as cool and YouTube was still in diapers, I was neck-deep in Corporate. Yeah, I had clients all over the world, the unlimited credit card, and a caffeine addiction like no other. But the biggest task? Getting creative on command.

One chilly Tuesday, I remember being pinned with a project so hefty, so outlandish, that the mere thought had my stress levels competing with Mount Everest. Ever felt your brain is like a browser with 73 open tabs, a spinning wheel, and no exit button? That was me. As I was this close to testing if my computer could fly, eureka hit. The damn mental dam broke and creativity flooded in like a monsoon. And while that might’ve been my first rodeo with on-demand creativity, it sure as hell wasn’t the last.

I’ve been around the block, kiddo. From the skyscrapers of New York to the startups of Silicon Valley, and I’ve picked up a trick or two along the way. So, pull up a chair, grab that overpriced coffee, and me clue you in on how to tap into that brilliant noggin of yours, whenever the heck you need to.

Frame the Problem, THEN Kick Back

Alright, let’s get into the meat of it. Creativity is a lot like that one friend who can’t sit still. Always itching for a challenge, always curious. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years of swanky boardrooms and caffeine-infused all-nighters, it’s this: you’ve got to give your creativity something juicy to chew on.

So, how do you get that elusive cat to come and play? You dangle the proverbial string in front of it – a problem. But not just any problem, mind you. We’re talking something you can sink your teeth into, something that gets the gears turning. As a big shot at a Fortune 500, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen teams get stuck on the surface level. You know, the kind where they go, “Why isn’t this working?”

But here’s the kicker: if you really want to get the creative juices flowing, you’ve got to go deeper. Dive into the problem, dissect it, understand every nook and cranny. Frame it up real nice. Ask the whys, the hows, and the what ifs. The more intricate, the more layers you uncover, the better.

Now, once you’ve laid it all out, step the hell back. I’m serious. Don’t dive into solutions right away. It’s like marinating a steak – you’ve got to give it time. Let it stew. And believe me, even when you’re binging on that Netflix show or zoning out in another pointless meeting (don’t tell my old boss I said that), your brain’s doing the heavy lifting in the background.

You ever had that “aha” moment in the shower, or while you’re out walking your dog, or hell, even during a wicked hangover brunch? That’s your brain finally connecting the dots. Because, just between us, your unconscious mind is a damn genius. It’s been working behind the scenes, tinkering, connecting, rehashing. All you did was give it a juicy problem and some space. And voila! The masterpiece is served.

Remember, creativity isn’t just about thinking outside the box. Nah, that’s amateur hour. It’s about understanding the damn box, turning it upside down, shaking out its contents, and then – and only then – giving it a new form.

Be Nosy, Embrace that Curiosity

Alright, gather ’round party people, it’s time for the scoop. In my more, let’s say, “rebellious” days (before I had to put on the suit and play grown-up), I was a nosy little bugger. I’d stick my nose into all sorts of business. Magazines about underwater basket weaving, late-night infomercials on how to make the perfect omelet – I was all over it. And guess what? That insatiable curiosity? It’s creative gold.

Now, I’m not saying you need to go snooping into your neighbor’s window (unless they’re building a spaceship or something, then by all means), but I am saying you should let your curiosity run wild. The weirder the better. Hell, the world’s a bizarre place – and if you’re not constantly in a state of “WTF,” then buddy, you’re missing out.

Let’s dive deep. Think about creativity as a puzzle. Every piece of oddball information you collect? That’s another jigsaw piece. The more pieces you’ve got, the bigger and more intricate your puzzle becomes. So, the next time you’re wondering why certain frogs only croak during a full moon, or why your left sock always goes missing, dive deep into that rabbit hole. Find answers, or better yet, find more questions.

Now, the entrepreneurial world? They love throwing around phrases like “innovation” and “disruption”. But you know what’s at the core of all that? Connecting the bloody dots. And I’m not just talking about connecting Point A to Point B. Nah, we’re in the big leagues here. It’s about seeing the line between Point A, Point Z, and that random squiggle over there. Because those out-of-the-box connections? That’s where the magic happens.

Here’s a bit of wisdom: Expand that mental library. Stuff it with the wildest, weirdest, and most whimsical facts you can find. Yeah, you might get some side-eyes when you bring up the migratory patterns of monarch butterflies at a bar, but who cares? Remember, every piece of knowledge, every odd tidbit, is another tool in your creative arsenal. And one day, when you least expect it, those random facts might just be the secret sauce to your next big idea.

So, to all my young creatives and budding entrepreneurs out there: Stay nosy. Ask the dumb questions. Binge-watch that documentary on 18th-century shoelaces. Because in this mad world of creativity, the more you know, the further you’ll go.

Shoebox of Experiences: Not Just for Old Photos

Ah, memories. We all have them. A few of us might have some we’d prefer to forget (like that cringeworthy office party karaoke fiasco), but most are pure gold. Now, in the midst of my ever-so-hectic executive life, I developed a bit of a weird habit. Some people collect stamps; I, on the other hand, started collecting memories. But here’s the catch: not just mine.

So here’s the lowdown. Nestled snugly in my executive suite, right next to those terribly dull quarterly reports and expense receipts, was this nondescript shoebox. Nah, not for fancy Italian leather shoes, but for something far more valuable. Every snippet of overheard conversation, each fascinating article, an inspiring picture, a thought-provoking quote, or just a doodle drawn during a particularly draggy board meeting – into the shoebox it went.

What’s the big deal, you ask? On the surface, not much. But dive in, and you’ll see it was my secret wellspring of creativity.

The brain, you see, is a funny thing. We tend to get stuck in patterns. We think linearly, methodically, step-by-step. But true innovation? That doesn’t come from thinking in straight lines. It’s all about the tangents, the weird leaps, the unexpected connections. And to make those leaps, you need a repository of raw material. Hence, my little shoebox.

Now, this wasn’t just about hoarding. It was an active exercise in attention, in seeing the world with fresh eyes every day. It meant listening to the background noise, finding the extraordinary in the mundane, and being alive to the myriad stories unfolding around us.

The act of storing these pieces wasn’t just for future reference. The very process of picking what goes into that box, of choosing which memories, stories, or tidbits were worth preserving, well, that in itself was an exercise in creativity. It trained the brain to discern, to see value, to recognize patterns and, most importantly, to constantly be on the lookout for the next piece of the puzzle.

To those eager beavers looking to jump-start their creative engines: get yourself a shoebox. It doesn’t have to be literal (though there’s a certain charm to the tactile). A digital folder, a cloud-based stash, a dedicated notebook – anything works. What’s important is the act, the discipline of daily gathering. Because in this chaotic, cacophonous world, your shoebox isn’t just a memory vault; it’s your very own curated museum of inspiration. And when you’re seeking that spark, that dash of brilliance, it’s right there waiting for you.

Before you brush this off as the eccentricities of a corporate old-timer, give it a whirl. You’ll soon find that the world’s a lot more interesting than you thought, and that shoebox? It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Dive Into the ‘Yawns’

Okay, hang with me for a sec. We’ve all been there. The dreadful Monday morning meetings, those seminars on tax codes or the intricacies of supply chain management in the agricultural industry. Oh boy. You can’t help but think, “Why the hell am I here? I could be, you know, literally anywhere else.” But hold on to your snooze button, because I’m about to spill a secret: these “yawns” are often where I’ve found my most electrifying ideas.

So, what’s the story behind this madness? Simple. When we’re in our comfort zone, or in familiar territory, our brain is on cruise control. We know the scenery, we’ve been down this road a hundred times, so we don’t need to pay much attention. But throw yourself into a situation that’s a tad unfamiliar, maybe even borderline mind-numbing, and suddenly your brain’s gears start grinding in new directions.

When you’re out of your element, your brain becomes a detective, trying to find patterns, trying to make sense of this new, slightly dull territory. You’re no longer absorbing information passively; you’re actively engaging, questioning, and most importantly, relating it to what you already know. It’s a mental workout that stretches those cognitive muscles.

Now, I’m not suggesting you deliberately bore yourself to tears. What I am saying is don’t dismiss these seemingly uninteresting experiences. Dive headfirst into them. Attend that lecture on medieval tapestries. Read that detailed report on soil erosion in the Midwest. Listen to that podcast on the evolution of the modern pencil.

Why? Because creativity isn’t just about thinking outside the box. Sometimes, it’s about looking inside other, seemingly irrelevant boxes and making connections. It’s about remixing. Borrowing a concept from one domain and applying it in another. Maybe that seminar on soil erosion gets you thinking about the gradual decline of market share in your industry. Perhaps the intricacies of pencil evolution inspire a new design approach in your project. It’s these unusual juxtapositions that often birth the most innovative ideas.

Think about it. Where did the concept of Velcro come from? A dude who took a closer look at burrs stuck in a dog’s fur. Post-it notes? A failed attempt at creating a super-strong adhesive. The most mundane or unexpected places often hide the seeds of the most groundbreaking innovations.

So next time you find yourself in the midst of a real yawner, don’t zone out. Lean in. Sift through the blandness for nuggets of brilliance. They’re there, trust me. And when you start finding them, you’ll realize the world isn’t as monochrome as you thought. There’s a spectrum of inspiration in every corner; you just need the right lens to see it.

Chew the Fat with Unlikely Folks

Okay, let me paint a picture for you. Picture this: You’re at some swanky event. Drinks in hand, you’re vibing, people-watching, trying to figure out who you want to chat up. Then, on the other side of the room, you spot them – someone wearing a neon green suit, a feathered hat, and shoes that scream “I’m from another decade.” Your initial thought? “Man, we’ve got nothing in common.” But here’s where it gets fun. Dive into the unknown waters, start a convo, and you’re about to have your mind blown wide open.

Here’s the thing: When you only talk to folks who are just like you – same industry, same interests, same zip code – you’re keeping yourself in a bit of an echo chamber. Yeah, it’s comfortable, but it’s also boring as hell. It’s the folks who live on the fringes, the ones who come from different worlds, that carry the gold. They’ve got stories, perspectives, and insights that you’d never stumble upon in your regular circle.

But why is this important? Because innovation, at its core, is often just about connecting dots. But if all your dots look the same, you’re limiting the kinds of connections you can make. Chatting with unlikely folks is like getting a fresh batch of colorful, wildly different dots. The patterns you can form, the insights you can glean – it’s like upgrading from a child’s puzzle to a grand tapestry.

Let me drop a personal bomb on you. A while back, I was in Kyoto on business, and I decided to try one of those traditional tea ceremonies. The host? An 80-year-old woman who spoke as much English as I spoke Japanese (that’s zilch, for those keeping score). But with gestures, smiles, and a lot of pointing, we communicated. And from her, I learned the importance of patience, precision, and respect for every element of a process. A lesson I applied to my business strategy with outstanding results. See, unlikely sources.

And it’s not just about getting fresh insights for your work. Engaging with different peeps challenges your beliefs, forces you to defend your perspectives, and sometimes even changes your mind. It’s growth, baby! The kind of growth that can’t happen if you’re only rubbing elbows with the same crew every day.

So, challenge yourself. Next time you’re at an event, or even just grabbing a coffee, strike up a conversation with someone unexpected. Someone who doesn’t fit your usual “type.” Dive deep, ask questions, and listen. Really listen. Because underneath the quirks, the unfamiliar jargon, and maybe even the neon green suit, there’s a universe of knowledge waiting for you.

When the Muse Strikes, Drop Everything

Let’s get one thing straight: inspiration is a fickle mistress. It doesn’t send a text saying, “Hey, I’ll be here at 3 pm next Tuesday.” Nah, it’s more the kind that crashes your party at 2 am, completely unexpected, wearing glitter boots and a cape. And when it shows up, you’ve got two options: shrug it off and risk it ghosting you forever, or grab it with both hands and dance until dawn.

Ever had a brilliant idea in the shower? Or in the middle of a workout? How about while you’re stuck in traffic humming to that one-hit-wonder from the ’90s? Yeah, that’s the muse waltzing in without warning. In these weird and mundane moments, our minds tend to wander, creating space for unexpected genius to slide in.

Now, you might be thinking, “Alright Geoffrey, but I can’t exactly hop out of the shower, dripping wet, to scribble down an idea.” Fair point. But you can keep a waterproof notepad in there (yep, they exist). Or, if you’re out and about, use your phone’s voice notes. If you’re old-school, carry a little notebook and pen with you everywhere. Bottom line: be ready.

Because here’s the thing – ideas are fleeting. The human brain is a beautifully chaotic mess, jumping from thought to thought, and that golden nugget of genius you just had? Give it a minute, and it might be gone, replaced by your grocery list or that embarrassing thing you did in middle school.

But why does this matter? Why is it so crucial to capture these sparks? Because that’s where innovation starts. Every big idea, every revolutionary product, every game-changing concept began as a fleeting thought in someone’s mind. And those that made a mark? They were the ones who recognized the value of that thought and acted on it.

Let me lay some truth on you: while working at one of those swanky Fortune 500s, the idea for a new marketing campaign hit me when I was watching a mime in a park (don’t ask). It was weird, it was out of the blue, and it was bloody brilliant. Did I wait to get back to the office? Heck no! I sat on a park bench and sketched the whole thing out on a napkin. And guess what? It was a slam dunk.

So, the next time you feel that lightbulb moment, that little zing of “Ooh, that’s good!”, don’t wait. Seize it. Because whether you’re a creative genius, a business mogul, or someone just trying to make their mark, it’s those unexpected moments of brilliance that set you apart.


Alright, peeps, we’ve been on a whirlwind tour of how to make that creative juice flow like a busted fire hydrant in a ’90s summer movie. Let’s pull up a chair, gather round, and spill the final tea.

What we’ve unpacked today isn’t just some “one-size-fits-all” manual to unlocking creativity; it’s about unearthing your own unique flavor. Everyone’s got a little somethin’-somethin’—a spark, a vibe, a je ne sais quoi. And harnessing it? That’s the real hustle.

Remember those late nights grinding away, trying to force an idea? Then, out of the blue, BAM! Inspiration strikes in the most unlikely of places. That’s the universe giving you a nudge, a wink, saying, “You got this.” It’s a reminder that while we can set the stage, sometimes we just gotta let the magic happen.

You’ve got tools now: that problem-framing tango, an embrace of wild curiosity, a shoebox (or maybe a suitcase) of eclectic experiences, and a penchant for diving headfirst into the yawns of life. Not to mention, the gift of the gab with folks from universes you didn’t even know existed. And when that muse comes calling, whether in the shower, on a run, or while you’re knee-deep in spicy nachos, you’re armed and ready.

Why? Because creativity isn’t just about thinking outside the box—it’s about realizing there’s no damn box to begin with.

Before we go, I’ll leave you with this: your journey, your stories, your quirky moments, they’re the key. They’re your secret sauce, your special blend of herbs and spices. Guard them, cherish them, but most importantly, use them. Because, in this vast world of copy-paste ideas, your unique blend is the difference between “meh” and “mind-blowing.”

So, get out there. Let your creative flag fly high. Dive into the mundane, chat up a stranger, chase that fleeting muse, and dance like no one’s watching. Because you, my friend, are on the brink of something spectacular. And I can’t wait to see the magic you’ll unleash.

About the Author: Geoffrey Byers
Geoffrey is one of the world's foremost Designers. He is also a Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Mad Scientist. Hypothesis-Driven experimentation is his love language.